OUT NOW: DJ KOZE - `knock knock´ remixes #2 (Dave DK & Mano Le Tough Remixes)
The cat is out of the bag: DJ Koze’s Knock Knock remixes part 2 are delivered by deep house label fella Dave DK. He presents new interpretations of the guitar-heavy slow groover `Illumination´ feat. Róisín Murphy and the highly atmospheric `Planet Hase´ track with the distinctive indie vocals of Mano le Tough.
Track List
DJ Koze - `Planet Hase´ feat. Mano Le Tough (Dave DK Remix)
DJ Koze - `Illumination´ feat. Róisín Murphy (Dave DK Remix)
Listen, stream & buy: https://pamparecords.lnk.to/KnockKnockRemixes2